
Police Motorcycles For Sale

Car chases are spectacular and fun to watch on TV, unfortunately all too often they end in tragedy as an innocent person is killed from a car wreck. Our online think tank decided to tackle this problem as this is a very important subject.

Most of our think tank members see that in the future with UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicles that the police cars will not have to chase these freeway bandits because, the eyes in the sky can follow them and we can pick them up at home.

One think tank member admitted that in his youth he had been in 70 motorcycle chases in his life, got caught twice lost his license, got in major trouble and such. This was 25 years ago outside of Los Angeles today well we are sure they would throw the book at someone doing this?

Evading police today with all the traffic and such and chasing 6000 lb. SUVs are scary stuff; it is just too easy for someone to get killed, and that does not make sense. One think tank member stated;

"I saw on popular mechanics a dart gun GPS, once you shot the car with it, it would be like a Stolen Car Tracking device. The other interesting technology I thought was interesting was the device that introduced 48 volts to the cars electronic system and the car would simply turn off, thus coast to a stop and therefore prevent risk."

What we see now is people are going to be charged with big crimes if someone gets hurt or killed but if the police did not chase them then no one would get hurt in the first place, cops are cowboys, let's face it. Let the evader go home and get picked up later and serve his time.