
Victory Motocycle

Pretty much everyone is claiming victory in the Hezbollah-Israel War. Even the United States is claiming a victory for Diplomacy, which is pretty much correct. Israel did not completely defeat Hezbollah and to do so they must address Iran and Syria, who both fund and support Hezbollah. The Lebanese government is claiming victory too although they ran and hided during most of the fighting.

Who really won in the Hezbollah-Israeli War? Israel drove Hezbollah back and killed quite a few of them. Hezbollah survived to fight another day and one could suppose to them that is more than they had probably hoped for. We know who the losers are. Israel lost the war of public opinion due to the Hospital Bombing in Lebanon. Lebanese government lost face and had their country destroyed of course one could say they already lost their country by turning their sovereignty over to Hezbollah.

The United Nations won a victory in diplomacy and yet they really lost because their failed previous resolution and intervention is one of the reasons for the war. The citizens on both sides lost, many had nothing to do with any of this. Should Hezbollah be allowed to claim victory? Isn’t that really appeasement to allow them to do that and to that point why is the world coddling international terrorists? When will the World wake up and join in the common cause against international terrorism? Consider all this in 2006.

Source: motocycles.net